Small Church vs Small Minded Church

4 min readAug 28, 2020

Hello good people, let us talk about why building the small church is so important. As I stated in earlier articles, mega churches rock, I come from one (shout our pastor Brad and Northridge in Plymouth MI) but as awesome as the ridge is and for the good it does in the world; it doesn’t and shouldn’t have to support the District 3 area of Detroit. RTTM is there and has a better grasp on the concerns of the neighborhood. While an outside perspective can help in the overall product, the ones closet to the situation are the experts to deal with the issue. Keeping churches in the neighborhood also helps anchor that community. Now in Detroit there is a store front church and liquor on every corner and some see that as a waste but this article is about defining the small church and the small minded church. I agree small minded churches are not helping the communities nearby, so their issues make sense, so we have to determine what makes the 2 types of churches different. What is a small minded church? Is it a few people? Small building? No building? Little budget? So a big church: lots of people, big building, big budge? I think we all can see that is an inaccurate and inadequate statement.

Small mindsets are what keep churches from growing, also people expecting it to happen in an instant. Your 1st or 1000th or 10000th post may not go viral or get many likes. It’s about consistency, the only place success comes before work is the dictionary. In my personal life I’m posting more positive things to Facebook; I end each passage with do the work, be a blessing to others and stay prayed up. Doing the work is where many fall short. We see Zuckerberg and Bieber and think things will happen overnight but even those names put in work no one noticed. The work has to be done, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and things worth having are worth building. Things worth building are worth building the right way, establishing the foundation is key; in RTTM’s past we had growth without a proper foundation and the growth wasn’t sustainable.

Looking at Pastor David Foster wise words we will look at the traits of a small minded church:

· A small mindset church is a church that does the same thing in the same way today that it did 3, 4, or 5 years ago.

· A small mindset church is a church that let’s its buildings and grounds fall into disrepair, failing to realize that how we treat the spaces in which we meet has a lot to say about what we believe.

· A small mindset church is a church that doesn’t want difficult or broken people because they’re too messy.

· A small mindset church is a church that doesn’t welcome alcoholics, drug addicts, adulterers, prostitutes, or any of “those kinds of people.” We only want nice, clean, acceptable people who won’t be a bad influence on us.

· A small mindset church is a church that feels they’re in competition with the other churches across the street or across town and seeks to impugn or diminish the ministry of other churches so they themselves can look better.

· A small mindset church is a church in which information is constantly disseminated but no lives are changed.

· A small mindset church is a church that carries on its ministry week in and week out, year in and year out and has absolutely no impact with its surrounding community or its needs.

Let’s look at what small churches are doing well and traits to have by Pastor John Finkelde:

· Small churches capture a family better than any other size of church.

· When a visitor walks into a small church they stand out. People notice them and generally engage with them.

· Small churches are simple organizations, there are fewer departments, less rosters to fill, fewer extra meetings to attend and less moving parts.

· Small church pastors are intricately involved with the lives of their members.

So now we have a better idea of what we are aiming for remember do the work, be a blessing to others and stay prayed up.

Later dayz


#rttmtp2b #stayprayedup #imperfectmiracle

